

Las suspensiones, las ruedas, la mecánica, el interior, la aerodinámica... la personalización (y mejora) que Hamann sobre el modelo X5 de BMW ha atacado todos los frentes posibles en un automóvil.
Imprescindibles son en una preparación de Hamann los elementos aerodinámicos, como el spoiler delantero que se ha montado directamente en el parachoques delantero de serie, o el añadido trasero, que, también encajado en el parachoques de serie, continúa las líneas que marca el delantero. Por otra parte nos encontramos con el alerón, que además de darle un aspecto más deportivo también le da una estabilidad extra.
En un gran vehículo, cada minúsculo incremento de potencia cuenta. Por esta rezón Hamann ha reprogramado la centralita, añadiendo al total unos 30 caballos.
A elección del cliente quedan las llantas [...]
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Las suspensiones, las ruedas, la mecánica, el interior, la aerodinámica... la personalización (y mejora) que Hamann sobre el modelo X5 de BMW ha atacado todos los frentes posibles en un automóvil.
Imprescindibles son en una preparación de Hamann los elementos aerodinámicos, como el spoiler delantero que se ha montado directamente en el parachoques delantero de serie, o el añadido trasero, que, también encajado en el parachoques de serie, continúa las líneas que marca el delantero. Por otra parte nos encontramos con el alerón, que además de darle un aspecto más deportivo también le da una estabilidad extra.
En un gran vehículo, cada minúsculo incremento de potencia cuenta. Por esta rezón Hamann ha reprogramado la centradlita, añadiendo al total unos 30 caballos.
A elección del cliente quedan las llantas, entre los modelos PG3 (multipieza de 5 palos en 20 y 22´´), Anniversary I y II (deportivas mono en 20 y 22´´ y multipieza en 22´´ respectivamente) y la Edition (de tres piezas, 23´´ y palos entrecuzados).
Usando unas suspensiones regulables en altura (que rebajan en 40mm la parte delantera y 30 la trasera) Hamann reduce el centro de gravedad del X5.
Para el interior se ha pensado en unos detalles que no ponen en peligro ni las prestaciones ni la comodidad de conducción. A gusto se pueden escoger elementos como unos mejores pedales en aluminio, suelo en negro e incluso aparatos multimedia, como un DVD, una TV o una Play Station.

One of the most successful cars of its class is the BMW X5. BMW only recently introduced its latest successor and HAMANN has already put together a complete program for the new X5. Hardly any area has been left untouched. Whether it’s suspension, wheels, performance, interior or aerodynamics, the Laupheim German specialists provide clear individualisation launching far above the norm
New aerodynamic components are mandatory hence HAMANN begins with a new front spoiler that lends the SAV X5 a significant powerful feature. It´s mounted on the series-produced front apron. In back HAMANN added a rear apron seizing the design of the front spoiler to match. This component is also affixed to the series-produced parts. A further sporty accent shines through with the HAMANN roof spoiler, providing a stabilizing effect.
With such a large vehicle, every miniscule of power counts. For this reason, HAMANN reprogrammed the series-produced Motronic. The X5 3.0si received subsequently a power boost to about 14 PS/10kW and 25 Nm more torque. The X5 3.0d (with it´s basic 235 PS/173 kW) is raised by the tuners to 265 PS/ 195 kW and 600 Nm and 8-cylinder model 4.8i jumps by 18 PS/ 13 kW for more power and torque increase as well.
Not an easy choice!
Pondering over wheel choices will require the majority of customers´ time. Here are four designs of choice including PG3, Anniversary I and II as well as Edition Race.
The noble tuners from Laupheim present a multi-pieced wheel PG3 available in silver finish with high-polished flange. It´s characterized through the sporty five-spoke design.
The one-pieced wheel Anniversary I portrays a light footing with its´ multi-spoke design. HAMANN supplies these in silver finish with INOX stainless steel lip flange. The multi-pieced light alloy wheel Anniversary II exhibits a multi-spoke design as well projecting a feeling of pure motor sports. The silver rims with high-polished flange reflects both nobility and luxury simultaneously.
The appearance of the three-piece, ultra light forged wheels Edition Race in crossing spoke design and black wheel spider is identified through its´ nine main spokes double-attached, branching and continually double-crossing towards the outside rim. Its´ stirring design becomes particularly noticeable through Titan studs. The high-polished flange is icing on the cake to complete this luxurious look.
PG3 and Anniversary I are available through HAMANN for the X5 in 20 and 22-inch, Anniversary II in 22-inch and the wheel Edition Race comes in an impressive 23-inch. Naturally HAMANN offers the wheels in form of complete wheel sets.
Typical wheel / tire combinations::
Edition Race: FA/RA 10,5 Jx23 315/25R23 102Y XL
PG3: FA /RA 10,5 J x 22 295/30 ZR 22
PG3: FA/RA 9,5 J x 20 295/40 ZR 20
Anniversary II: FA/RA 10,5 J x 22 295/30 ZR 22
Anniversary I: FA/RA 10,5 J x 22 295/30 ZR 22
Anniversary I: FA/RA 10,5 J x 20 295/40 ZR 20
Anniversary I: FA/RA 10,5 J x 20 FA 275/40 ZR20 / RA 315/35 ZR 20
By using a set of progressive suspension springs, HAMANN reduces the center of gravity for the X5 . For those vehicles that have level regulation, it is lowered to about 40 mm in front, and for vehicles without level regulation or air suspension to about 40 mm in front and about 30 mm in back. Through this, the X5 receives a bit of agility back which, in contrast to its´ predecessor model, had suffered somewhat due to its bigger size.
Interior modifications per request
Large vehicles such as the BMW X5 are tailor-made for travel. Due to this, HAMANN also modified the interior. Travellers should have the drive be as comfortable as possible and additionally should provide a feast for the eyes. HAMANNs´ accessories such as an exclusive foot mat flooring in black, a foot pedal of aluminium or even an aluminium foot rest enhance the cockpit of the X5. Naturally HAMANN also modifies each BMW X5 for personalized customer requests. For example, extravagant leather decor is available in a variety of colours or an elaborate multimedia alterations including DVD, TV and Play station.
Further information about the tuning program from HAMANN can be found at www.HAMANN-motorsport.de